Our commitment to equal opportunity
To provide equal employment, advancement and learning opportunities to all individuals, 盖特威大学的就业和学生录取决定将以成绩为基础, qualifications and abilities. Gateway will not discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, student or applicant for admission on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, creed, religion, political affiliation, marital status, parental status, pregnancy, disability, age, membership in any reserve component of the armed forces, 联盟成员或任何其他适用的受保护类别 federal law and state law, including but not limited to Title IX, Title VI/VII and the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act, 包括保护那些反对歧视或参与校园或平等就业机会委员会或其他人权机构的任何解决程序的人.
作为教育活动的联邦财政援助的接受者, 根据1972年《澳门金沙网址》第九条的要求,盖特威大学必须确保其所有的教育项目和活动不存在性别歧视. Sex includes sex, sex stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation and pregnancy or parenting status. Gateway还禁止对任何反对歧视或参与机构内部或外部任何歧视调查或投诉程序的人进行报复. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX and by Gateway policy. Any member of the campus community, guest or visitor who acts to deny, deprive or limit the educational, employment, residential or social access, 基于性别或上述任何其他受保护阶层的任何Gateway社区成员的机会和/或利益违反了Gateway的平等机会政策, Civil Rights and Sexual Harassment. 任何人都可以举报性别歧视(无论举报的人是否被指控经历过这种行为), in person, by mail, by telephone, by video or by email, 使用第九条协调员的澳门金沙网址(如下).
To report sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, as well as any other form of discrimination, 你可以在本页完成报告,或者联系Josh Vollendorf, Director of Compliance/Title IX, ADA and Clery Coordinator, at compliance@bpkadoku.com or 262-564-3062, Racine Campus, Lake Building.
Reporting discrimination
任何人都可以在白天或晚上提出第九条或其他民权申诉, by phone or email as indicated below.
对于那些心怀不满或认为自己因受保护阶层而受到歧视的人, you can file a complaint using this online report. Gateway将调查指控,而不考虑当事人或证人的法律地位,也不会向移民当局报告移民身份.
To report sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, as well as any other form of discrimination, 你可以在本页完成报告,或者联系Josh Vollendorf, Director of Compliance/Title IX, ADA, and Clery Coordinator, at compliance@bpkadoku.com, 262-564-3062, Racine Campus, Lake Building, L101.
Serving those with disabilities
盖特威技术学院致力于为所有人提供平等的机会. Reasonable accommodations are provided for all services, programs, activities, education, and employment for individuals with disabilities. Gateway的504/ADA协调员是合规总监Josh Vollendorf,电话:262-564-3062.
Gateway's Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
Requesting disability accommodations
To request a disability accommodation, 请至少提前三天与平等机会和公民权利办公室联系,电话:262-564-3062/Wisconsin Relay 711或 compliance@bpkadoku.com. Gateway学生应联系举办活动的校园内的残疾支持服务中心,请求住宿,电话:262-564-2683(埃尔克霍恩/伯灵顿), 262-564-2006 (Kenosha/Horizon/Lakeview), 262-564-2103 (Racine/iMet).
Gateway还将提供适当的辅助帮助和服务, 包括合格的手语翻译和辅助听力设备, 在必要时确保与有听力的人进行有效的沟通, sight, 或语言障碍,除非这样做会导致其项目的根本改变或不当的行政或财政负担. 学生:需要住宿或辅助援助或服务来参加大学课程的学生, service, or activity, should contact Lisa Sadowski at sadowskil@bpkadoku.com, 262-564-2564, or video phone at 262-456-5378. 如需美国手语(ASL)翻译服务,请联系 aslinterpreterrequest@bpkadoku.com.
Removing the barrier for those with disabilities
捷威致力于创造一个无障碍的大学环境. 我们积极采取措施,为残疾人消除障碍. To report a barrier (physical, academic, etc.), please let us know by filing a report 或致电262-564-3062与平等机会和公民权利办公室联系 compliance@bpkadoku.com.
Commitment to Equity/Affirmative Action
Gateway is committed to making sure females, minorities, veterans, and those with disabilities have an equal opportunity to employment and education This is accomplished through; by taking affirmative actions to reach these populations of applicants and students so that they are aware of employment and educational opportunities at Gateway. In addition, the plan assures that our selection, promotion, and termination policies practices, and procedures are fair and unbiased. The Office for Equal Opportunity, working with other key departments, is responsible for affirmative action planning. 该学院的平权行动官员是合规总监Josh Vollendorf,电话:262-564-3062.
Strategies to increase diversity of students and employees
Affirmative Action Program for Women and Minorities
Gateway's Commitment to Affirmative Action
任何关于平权行动计划的投诉都可以在内部向平等机会和公民权利办公室提交,使用本页上的联系信息,或者在外部向威斯康星州行政部门提交,地址为101 E. Wilson St., Madison, Wisconsin 53702.
Language Access at Gateway
Gateway provides meaningful access to college programs, 为非英语人士提供的服务和活动, specifically Spanish. Translation services are available at no cost, including ASL. Gateway's Language Access Plan 概述了学院为英语水平有限的个人创造包容性环境的努力.
Title IX and Civil Rights training
学生们被鼓励完成我们的第九条和民权培训. 完成培训的学员将获得价值20美元的礼品卡(详见课程)。. View instructions on how to enroll.